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For a methodology to be efficient, we believe that the first step is to really get to know student profiles, objectives, needs, difficulties, anxieties and insecurities.  The next step is to test the methodology regarding student relevance and to correct, adapt or improve it where necessary.


Another important factor is to define who will apply this methodology and to determine which teachers’ characteristics are best suited to the student in question.


For these reasons, we believe Little England’s 30 years of experience provides us with the necessary credentials and tools to achieve results which rarely fail to surprise.



A Typical Little England Student Profile:


The client has studied English for a long time but in an intermittent way….has decent reading comprehension….has a reasonable understanding of spoken English…is able to write with some degree of grammar accuracy…has limited vocabulary…is unable to communicate fluently due to a general lack of confidence and is unable to follow a regular English course due to pressures of work and travel commitments.



Our Teachers?


Our teachers are 100% native English speakers….understand Brazilian students’ needs…are sociable, welcoming, motivational, helpful and demanding.



Course Methodology?


Each programme is limited to a maximum of 22 students… depending on student numbers, our teaching staff can vary from 7 to 10 teachers…classes are broken up into small groups of 3 to 6 students.


Our methodology consists of a well-structured balance between the classroom – where we focus on the 4 language skills – and out-of-class activities, where the student has the opportunity to practise English in a spontaneous and relaxed way.


This full immersion, comprising a minimum of 16-hours of daily contact with English, ensures language and psychological obstacles are overcome in a natural and agreeable manner.


The first time students actually speak and think in English without being aware they are communicating in a foreign language is a magical moment and the key to future progress and fluency.

Next dates




10-14 (Monday to Friday) 

28/02 a 04/03- (Friday to Tuesday-




12-16 (Wednesday to Sunday) 

24-28 (Monday to Friday) 



07-11  (Monday to Friday) 

17-21 (Thursday to Monday-Holiday Páscoa /Tiradentes)




Some of our clients

Rio de Janeiro

Tel: 21-2516-2350

WhatsApp: 21-99889 6212


São Paulo

Tel: 11-3081-7000


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